"Desolation or Civilization" is a series of artwork that is a commentary on the effect that we as humans have on the world, as it follows the chronological order of events in which Earth would reclaim itself if humans were to suddenly disappear. If we continue with our current habits and behaviors, our world will become desolate without our civilization. But is this really desolation? Is this really a lack of civilization? Or is it the Earth reclaiming itself, recovering with its own natural civilization? This process of Earth reclaiming itself seems like terror and destruction to us, but really, it's able to achieve its full potential of natural beauty without us here to ruin it.
Ignorance is Treacherous
The process of this demise, whether it is technically Earth's or man's, begins with man's ignorance. We focus on and praise our newest innovations and accomplishments, as we should. However, we become too focused on these, ignoring the state of the Earth, and even how these innovations are affecting the state of the Earth themselves. We are completely engulfed by these things that we ignore the world that is literally engulfed in flames around us. 

In the poem Plants by Olive Senior, she compares the deceptive war methods between nature and humanity, describing plants and nature in such a negative way: they’re deceptive, exhibitionists, invasive, and colonizers. They seem so innocent, but they really just want to colonize the world.
Although she describes this as a negative thing, it is not that way at all. Her writing initially makes us believe that nature is terribly deceptive, but really, all of these qualities apply to people as well. The difference is that nature’s relationship with us is meant to be invasive. They are meant to be colonizers. It’s beautiful. But when we are invasive and colonizers, we hurt and destroy, whether that be nature and plants or other people.
I wanted to portray my feelings about this poem in my own creation, showing a contrast/comparison between the war methods of man vs nature (excluding man from nature). They both share the same qualities, but nature wins in the end, even if it’s in a deceptive and sneaky way. As Olive Senior said, “They'll outlast us, they were always there one step ahead of us.”
I Always Loved the Stars, but the City Never Let Me Sleep Under Them
Soon after the disappearance of man, one of the first things to happen is that all power would go out. If I were sitting in my bed minding my business and all power in the world went out, I would be terrified and think the world was ending. But since, in this scenario, I nor anybody else would be present, there is no horror in this. There's only beauty, as the stars become visible throughout the city. 
Without people to pump water out of subway systems, they would all flood. The viewer of the painting first notices that they are inside a subway train, and then notices that the station is flooded. There is a bit of hope as the viewer sees that there is an exit sign leading to the stairway out of the station. However, the window to escape is closing as the water gradually floods the station even more. 

Someone Was Here
Not only does nature begin to take over the systems and technology that we have created in the public world once we have disappeared, but it will also begin to take over our personal spaces. When creating this piece, the setting initially took place in a living room. I switched the setting to a bedroom because nothing in a house is more personal than a person's bedroom. This space is a person's entire existence filled with things they like and signs of their personality, with posters, laundry, etc. Imagine going back to the house you grew up in, and seeing someone else start to move into your room, acting like it's theirs. It would be a little upsetting and odd, but it is theirs now. To see Earth invade our personal spaces is odd and upsetting, but this space truly is Earth's

Let Freedom drown
Once the environment begins to deteriorate, our freedom does too. If we as people do not change our behavior when it comes to helping the environment, there may come a point where, in order to even survive, we will no longer have our basic liberties that having a healthier Earth would grant us. Not enough water = water restrictions, not enough air = air restrictions, etc. 
With No Flowers?
Without people, oil refineries would eventually explode and emit nuclear waste, deforming nearby plants. Although these plants are destroyed and/or deformed, they stand out as a representation of what has happened to them because of man's activities. 
Although possibly unrealistic, animals of both predator and prey exist together in harmony after escaping from a zoo. The pedestrian sign represents the idea that this place was built for man to exist, but not anymore. 
Worth Gold
I always thought forests were so insanely cool, mostly free from man's work. In the first version, I painted a simple river of gold to show how we should place more worth on this Earth. We should treat it like it's gold. In the second version, I went for something a little more abstract with less detail, to show how nature is abstract. I made the river a regular blue color with bits of gold leaf on the painting so that the meaning did not become diluted by having the entire river be golden. 
In the end, nature has no regard for the eradication of man. It begins by overgrowing our creations, our homes, and finally, the essence of our physical beings. And it's beautiful too, as the Earth reaches its beautiful recovery stage after its "ugly" recovery stage."
For many of my projects, I like to create a Pinterest board to gather my thoughts and establish a visual vibe that I am aiming to accomplish with my project. Click the button above to view the Pinterest board that inspired this project and continues to inspire my current work. 

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